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P & C December 1998
- Face Music / Albi
- last update 03-2016
1. A shto zh, u nas ranyoshenko, dance song - 2:37
2. Razrodimaya storonka - 5:18
3. Sluzhba li matushka tebe nadoyela - 2:59
4. Da kakiye vy, starye lyudishki - 1:50
5. Oy, sinye morye vskolykhnulosya, bridal song - 1:34
6. Za gorami, za dolami, za kremenskimi, bridal song - 3:57
7. Aj, polno, polno nam, bratsy krushitsya - 3:12
8. Kak za Donom, za rekoy, campaign song - 2:01
9. Oy, kak na reke bylo, na Kamyschinke, historical song - 4:12
10. Polno nam, snezhochki, dance song - 3:32
11. Oy, ty Rossiya, matushka Rossiya, historical song - 5:33
12. Oj, ne po moryu, epic hero song - 2:27
13. Ay, ne vo slavnom gorode Kievye, epic hero song - 3:19
14. Oy, rastvorite mne tyomnuyu temnitsu, dance song - 2:53
15. Gory moyi zakavkazskiye - 3:18
16. Iz-za lesa kopiy i mechey, campaign song - 3:20
17. Oy zhavronyonok ty moy - 2:41
18. So balitiyskogo vozmorya, dance song - 2:48
19. Vdol da po Piterskoy dorozhke - 3:12
20. Shto ty, zhinka, guby zhmyosh? dance song - 5:04
21. Zarodilas yagodka - 3:26
Cossacks Songs
1. At home, early in the morning
Dance song of the Don-Cossacks
- Valeri Parfenov: solo, Gudok (fiddle), Okarina (ocarina)
- Igor Sazontov: Kugikly (reed pipe), Gusli (minor wooden zither)
What a swallow / chirping at us, early in the morning? / There was weeping a young girl on a mountain / she was sitting on a white stone / looking at the fast river, / the father riding along the river, / the lovable father did not have much compassion with me. / He didn't come to pick me up at the white stone / at the white stone my dear Vanyushka come to pick me up."
2. Alas, my dear home country
War song of the Don-Cossacks from the Stanitsa (Cossacks settlement), Ust-Buzulikskaya, Rayon Alexeyevski, area of Volgograd
- Igor Sazontov: solo
"My dear home country, I never see you again..." hit by a bullit, the Cossack takes his farewell from his beloved likes, pleading them not to mourn over him.
3. Should you be weary of the duty?
Lyrical song of the Don-Cossacks
- Igor Sazontov: solo
Should you be weary of the duty, / or fell your faithful steed sick? / No. my faithful steed does not fear the duty / it is vigorous, lively and neighs aloud, / but the Cossack's heart is heavy / because he has to leave for the duty. / He leads his steed, his soul, behind him-self. / The steed beats his hoof on the soil / and digs a pebble up / and beats ore out of his hoof.
4. What people are you, you the aged people
Lyrical song of the Don-Cossacks of the area of Volgograd
- Julia Parfenova: solo
What people are you, the aged? / Why are you so ignorant? / Have you never been young yourselves? / Did you never be cheerful? / Did you never fool around? / Well, then don't be astonished that the young folks / are so loud and merrily pleased.
5. Oh, the blue sea was surging
Bridal-song of the Don-Cossacks of the manor house Zimnyatski, Rayon Serafimovichski, area of Volgograd
- Igor Sazontov: solo
Alas, the blue sea was surging. / A white fish emerged / Barely the fishermen recognized the fish, / these fishermen threw, the Moscow merchants, their silk nets out / they pulled the white fish out of the water, / pulled him out and asked him: / how do you feel, fish, out of the water? / And just like this, my bridesmaids, I feel without my beloved friend.
6. Over mountain and valley
Bridal-song of the Don-Cossacks of Stanitsa (Cossacks Settlement) Ust-Buzulikskaya, Rayon Alexeyevski, area of Volgograd
- Igor Sazontov: solo, accordion, timbrel ring
- Valeri Parfenov: drum
Over mountain and valley from Kremen there drove two nobels. / They comforted a young maid, a young lady, read any desire of her eyes: / don't cry, girl, young lady, don't be sad. / Over mountain and valley your beloved father comes to see you. / What a pleasure, what a joy that my dear father comes to see me. / There are no coals, there is no wick, nothing to make light. / There is no plate, there is no vodka, nothing to get a little drunkenness. / Don't cry, girl, little lady. / Over mountain and valley your beloved mother comes to see you. / What a pleasure, what a joy that my dear mother comes to see me. / There are no coals, there is no wick, nothing to make light. / There is no plate, there is no vodka, nothing to get a little drunkenness. / Don't cry, girl, little lady. / over mountain and valley / your beloved darling comes to see you / that is a pleasure, that is a joy that my love comes to see me.
7. Alas, it is enough, brothers, we do not want to worry, not grieve anymore
Lyrical song of the Cuban-Cossacks (west-north Caucasus)
- Valeri Parfenov: solo
Alas, it is enough, brothers, we do not want to worry, to grieve anymore, / we set an end to the sorrows. // let us be glad / let us sing songs out of the sorrows // Let us sing a new song, / about life and bustling of the Cossacks, / about how nasty life beats us up.
8. At the Don, the river...
Campaign song of the Don-Cossacks
- Igor Sazontov: solo
At the Don, the river, there ride some Cossacks. /
- Refrain: Eya, drink, sing, celebrate, there ride the Cossacks. /
Non-hardened arrows shoot they over the Don. / Refrain
The Cossacks are no poor wretches, free guys are they. / Refrain
They watch over their home country, support it vigilantly. / Refrain
9. Alas, it was at the little stream Kamyshinka
Historical song of the Volga-Cossacks about the campaing from Ermak to Siberia in the year 1583
- Igor Sazontov: solo
It was at the little stream Kamyshinka, friends, / at the little stream Kamyshinka there lived free people together. / The free people gathered in a circle because of a folk's assembly. / So they formed a circle and in the center stood Ermak, the son of Timofey // Alas, the son of Timofey, / who made a wise speech, / friends, who showed us another way to walk.
10. Enough, sweet snow, more than enough....
Dance song of the Terek-Cossacks (north Caucasus)
- Igor Sazontov: solo;
- Valeri Parfenov: drum
Enough, sweet snow, more than enough, you've been laying on the soggy ground. / Enough, Cossacks, more than enough, you have worried. / Let us leave our sorrow and grief in the dark wood. / We shall get familiar with the Asiatic country. / Cossacks, dear Cossacks, don't fear anything. / Don't we have sufficient grits and flour. / We cook a mush and bake a soft bread, / put our money together and send for wine. / We drink a little glass, then we take breakfast. / We drink two little glasses, then we get talking. / We drink three little glasses, and we sing a song from grief. / We sing, sing about the Cossacks life: / The Cossacks life is the best of lives: / The house of the Cossack is a black fur, / his young wife - his rifle. / Release me, commander, I have to care for the rifle, / have to care that my rifle is well greased. / Give alarm, we have to load. / My faithful companion you, my rave-black horse, / with a daring song we go into the battle of death. / That is our duty, strange is the far country, / - an impetuous head, the fate of the Cossack.
11. Alas, you Russia, old biddy Russia
Historical song of the Don-Cossacks about the Ataman (Commander of the Cossacks) Platov in the year 1812, Stanitsa (Cossacks settlement) Ust-Buzulikskaya, Rayon Alexeyevski, area of Volgograd
- Igor Sazontov: solo, Gusli (minor wooden zither), sleigh-bell
- Valeri Parfenov: sleigh-bell
Oh, you Russia, old biddy Russia / oh, you Russia, our earth, // oh you, Russian ground, / so much misery and harm did you suffer. // So much misery and harm did you go through, / so much blood did you shed. / So much blood did you shed, / so much glory did you earn. / So much glory did you earn, / so much luck did you give us. / So much luck did you give us, / such a son did you birth us. // Such a son did you birth us, / and called him Platov.
12. Oh, that was not on a sea
Byline (epic hero song) of the Terek-Cossacks
- Elena Sazontova: solo
Alas, that was not on the sea, / not on the blue sea. / Or was it yet on the blue sea of Hvalynsk? / There sailed thirty bloodred and golden ships / and one of them was fast and alert / a real rogue it is.
13. Alas, not in the laudable town of Kiev
Byline (epic hero song) of the Don-Cossacks
- Igor Sazontov: solo, Gusli (minor wooden zither)
- Valeri Parfenov: solo, Gudok (fiddle)
Alas, not in the laudable town of Kiev, / alas, not in Novgorod, the great, / but near Surzha, at the Russian sea, / with the lord Tmutorakan. / The sun rises in the east. / Not once, twice it rolls upon: / Once over the mountain, over the saddle-bag, / the other on the hill, further up. / These are no hills, that is no mountain, / there is our hero. / His arms, legs are from stone, / his hair is from snow and ice.
14. Alas, open up my dark jail
Dance song of the Don-Cossacks of the Stanitsa (Cossacks settlement) Ust-Buzulikskaya, Rayon Alexeyevski, area of Volgograd
- Valeri Parfenov: solo, bell-tree
- Igor Sazontov: Gudok (fiddle)
Alas, open up my dark jail, / hand me the light of the bright day. // And a maid with dark brows / and a steed with a golden mane. // The steed runs across an open field, it runs without a bridle. // It runs with a flying mane and its tail is loose in the wind. / Of the maid with the dark brows one hears, / she lives in a tower. // And in the jail the window is high / and the iron door is locked. // And behind the walls, the high walls, there is nothing to see, // only to hear low talking and steady footsteps. // With steady footsteps walks my guard.
15. My beloved Transcaucasian mountains
Lyrical song of the Don-Cossacks from the manor house Zimyatski, Rayon Serfimovichski, area of Volgograd
- Valeri Parfenov: solo
My beloved Transcaucasian mountains, / a fast river that rises up there // rapidly flows the river / and at the riverside there grows a willow-bush // there grows a willow-bush / an eagle is sitting on it, with grey-blue pinions.
16. Out of the wood of spears and swords
Campaign song of the Don-Cossacks of the Stanitsa (Cossacks settlement) Ust-Buzulikskaya, Rayon Alexeyevski, area of Volgograd
- Igor Sazontov: solo
- Valeri Parfenov: timbrel ring
Out of the wood of spears and swords / there rides a contingent of a hundred Cossacks. / Get up and go, don't hesitate, there ride a hundred brash Cossacks. // And in front of the hundred Cossacks there is a cavalry captain, a young one, / he gave the order: lads, come on, follow me! / Get up and go, don't hesitate, he gave the order: lads, all of you, follow me / Follow me, brothers! he called, don't hesitate, / quickly storm the barriers, / get up, don't hesitate, storm the barriers! // Oh, at the barriers we all stood like a wall, / a rain of bullets, they droned like bees. // Hey, who runs first to the barrier, / whose George's-cross it is! Get up, don't hesitate, whose George's-cross it is! // Oh, the constable gives the order. / The young Cossacks say, / get up, don't hesitate, the young Cossacks say: // Oh, we do not fear the bullets, not the missile, / we smash the whole hostile division! / Get up, don't hesitate, we smash the whole hostile division! // What Don-Cossacks are those, those fighting lads, / they defeat, they stab, they spear on bayonettes, / get up, don't hesitate, they defeat, they stab, they spear on bayonettes.
17. Oh, you my lark
Lyrical song of the Don-Cossacks from the manor house Zimnyatski, Rayon, Serfimovichski, area of Volgograd
- Igor Sazontov: solo
Oh you my lark / sing something, sitting on a spring melting hole. // Oh, in spring on a melting hole / cheer me up a little bit / in my big bad luck. // In my big bad luck / in my big trouble and bad luck, / and here in my dark jail.
18. At the coast of the Baltic Sea
Dance song of the Don-Cossacks, celebrated on Butter-Wednesday, before the Easter-fasting
- Igor Sazontov: solo, accordion, timbrel ring
- Valeri Parfenov: spoons
At the Baltic coast, / at its northern part, / really, really, really, people / at its northern part, / at its northern part, / in Petrograd, the town / really, really, really, people / in Petrograd, the town / there stood the winter palace, / really, really, really, people, / there stood the winter palace. // In this palace, there are Cossacks on duty, / always they stand at the gates, / really, really, really, people, / always they stand at the gates. // Always they stand at the gates / and hold their sabres shining. // and salute honestly, / really, really, really, people, / they salute honestly. // The governor walks by, / each he gives a present, / really, really, really, people, / each he gives a present. // Each he gives a present, / half a Rubel he gives, / really, really, really, people, / half a Rubel he gives. // In the pubs on the nales, / there the Cossacks celebrate, / really, really, really, people, / there the Cossacks celebrate. / Like in the butter-week, / that's how the cavalrist celebrated, / really, really, really, people, that's how the cavalrist celebrated. // Went on the Nevski Prospect, / thought about, at whom throw the gauntlet down, / really, really, really, people, / thought about, at whom throw the gauntlet down. // What Cossacks settlement would that be, / the famous town of Petrograd, / really, really, really, people, / the famous town of Petrograd.
19. The way to Petersburg
Lyrical song of the Don-Cossacks from the manor house of Zimnyatski, Rayon Serfimovichski, area of Volgograd
- Valeri Parfenov: solo
The way to Petersburg. / and also the way to Moscow // soldiers went from the Don, / strangers on duty, not our people. // Behind them walk two mothers / dear mothers. // Dear mothers / don't follow us, you two mothers. // And behind us / don't walk on the silky grass / with your feet.
20. What do you press, missus, your lips so tightly
Dance song of the Don-Cossacks from the Stanitsa (Cosssacks settlement) Ust-Buzulikskaya, Rayon
- Valeri Parfenov: solo, Okarina (ocarina), drum
- Igor Sazontov: violin, timbrel ring
What for do you press, missus, your lips so tightly, / and do not go to the market? // Put your shoes on / and go to the market. // The missus put her shoes on / and left for the market. // I waited a day, waited a second day. / I waited the whole dark night. // The night is dark - I cannot sleep, / I dreamed of a landlady: // Landlady, pretty maid / oh where is my missus?" // Your missus is in the pub, / wears a green cap. // She drinks, she celebrates, / she's sipping at her glass, / looks out of the window: // wondering if there isn't anybody coming / bringing something? // It's about my little wolf / in the grey jacket. // He carries, he drags / two sticks, // the one crooked, / the other one long. // On my white body / that ain't nothing. / Am I not your housewife, / am I not your wifey? // Three days the oven wasn't heated, / in the little room it is hot. // Though I haven't born the man, / I feel sorry for him. // If he died, if he snuffed it, / I'd put a candle in his house. // Come over, my girl-friends, // my man died. // I like to mourn over him, / or to say to laugh over him. // The man is dragged from the plank / from the eyes there run no tears.
21. There grew a vigorous berry
Lyrical song of the Don-Cossacks from the manor house Zimnyatski, Rayon Serafimovichski, area of Volgograd
- Igor Sazontov: solo, accordion
- Valeri Parfenov: Okarina (ocarina)
There grew a vigorous berry / in a humid pine-wood. / Alas, and it got lost, the pretty Cossack-woman, the maid, / in the dark wood. // Alas, in the dark wood / there, the pretty Cossack-woman, the maid, stepped out on the steep shore. // Alas, out on the steep shore / he got lost, my pretty maid, / alas, alas, over the holy stream. |
English translation: Karin Wild
