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P & C December 1998
- Face Music / Albi
- last update 03-2016
1. Vy poslushayte, rebyata, soldier song - 2:46
2. Oy, gory, moyi - 4:37
3. Po-ruchyu - 2:11
4. Nebylitsy, chastushki - joke verses - 2:46
5. Iz-za polya, bridal song - 1:28
6. Naleteli, da chyornye vorony, bridal song - 1:47
7. Mamenka rodnaya, bridal song - 3:27
8. Lastochka kasataya, bridal song - 3:38
9. Da, vy, lyubeznye podruzhki - 1:43
10. Skakal kozyol v ogorod, joke song - 1:46
11. Proleti-ka, strela, round dance - 3:09
12. Kak u nashikh, u vorot, Cossack's dance song - 1:57
13. Chornaya yagodka vsyo smorodinka - 1:38
14. Skuchno, grustno paryenyochku - 2:07
15. Seyu-veyu - 2:15
16. Uzh ty, roshchitsa - 3:00
17. Oy, rastsvela v sadu cheryomushka - 2:49
18. Komandyr nash bravy, Cossack's dance song - 1:56
19. Poyekhal kazak na chuzhbinu dalyoko, Cossack song - 2:25
20. Ostrog, Cossack song - 2:41
21. Oy, kak u nas bylo na Donu, Cossack's dance song - 1:52
22. Posledny den krasy, bratsy, moyey, dance song - 2:55
23. Oy, da vspomnim, bratsy, Cossack song - 2:28
24. Okh, zhily-byly, Cossack song - 2:47
25. Stuknu ya, bryaknu, Cossack's dance song - 2:36
26. Po moryu, Cossack song - 2:58
27. Prosnulas stanitsa, Cossack song - 3:19
28. Zabolela u Mashi golovka, Cossack's dance song - 2:45
Songs from the Altai
1. Listen to me, my friends, I sing a song for you...
Lyrical soldier song; recorded in 1980 by O. Abramova in the village of Pervokamenka, Tretyakovski Rayon
- Valeri Parfenov: solo, tambourine, spoons
- Igor Sazontov: accordion
Listen to me my friends, I sing a little song for you, about my duty / Three years we served, nothing to be troublesome / Then, the order arrived: off to go for the Caucasus / And after that another order: your division goes home / I greet you, little river mine, tributary, I come to you from the east / I greet you river Donets, I greet you, mother, father / I greet you little river - river, I greet you my young wife / How did you make a life without me, without the Siberian Cossack?
2. Oh, you my mountains
Lyrical song about the decease of a soldier abroad; recorded in 1980 by O. Abramova in the village of Oskolkovo, Aleyskij Rayon
- Igor Sazontov: solo
Oh you my mountains, my dear mountains / across white peddles an impetious river flowing / wild it is, watch out / across this river, brothers, there was a willow bush / On the willow bush there was sitting a young dark blue eagle.
3. Down, down the river
Lyrical song; recorded in 1981 in the village of Kamyshenka, Petropavlovski Rayon, Altaiski Kray
- Igor Sazontov: solo
Down, down the river, the streaming river / there swim three drakes.
4. Incredible stories
Chastushki (joke verses)
- Igor Sazontov: solo, Gusli (minor wooden zither), spoons
- Valeri Parfenov: solo, Gudok (fiddle), spoons
- Elena Sazontova, Elena Pesterova: Kugikly (reed pipe)
- Julia Parfenova: Okarina (ocarina)
- Serguey Smirnov: Kugikly (reed pipe)
Listen, my friends, / I like to sing you something incredible: / On the oak there grazes a pig, / and in the steam bath there sweats a bear. // And I - down from the high fence / just falling into the deep water. / Tell me now, who's that good for / and where do the drops spatter. // On the moor in the snow, / a mosquito bit a flee, / sits a hare on a birch / and is bent of laughter.
5. Over the vast field
Bridal song, sung by the relatives of the bride groom, when they enter the house of the bride in order to deal about the wedding; recorded in 1982 by O. Abramova in the village of Sibiryatchikha, Soloneshenski Rayon, Altaiski Kray
- Elena Sazontova: solo
Over the white field, / over the vast plain / there approached a huge army. / From the high chamber of the Evdokievy, / came and stepped foreward the beloved old man: / leave, big army. / My daughter isn't ready yet, / the sewed donations not woven yet, / the forged locks not locked up yet.
6. Black ravens came flying here
Bridal song, sung, when the relatives fix the day of the wedding; recorded in 1979 by O. Abramova in the village Vorobyevo, Shipunoski Rayon, Altaiski Kray
- Elena Sazontova: solo
Black ravens came flying here, / heralds of separation. / The want the farewell the old man, / want the farewell of the mother, / the dark ravens, / want the farewell of the brother, / the dark ravens, / want the farewell of the bride-maids, / the dark ravens.
7. My beloved old woman
Bridal song, sung upon the "shake hands" by which the relatives of the bride couple emphasize their approval for the wedding; recorded in 1979 by O. Abramova in the village Vorobyevo, Shipunovski Rayon, Altaiski Kray
- Elena Sazontova: solo
Dear old woman, / Bojares standing the fence, // Daughter, you my love, / don't worry, I do not let you go. // Dear old woman, the Bojares are standing at the doorpost. // Daughter, you my love, don't worry, I do not let you go. // Dear old woman, / the Bojares are standing at the entrance. // Daughter, you my love, dont' worry, I do not let you go. // Dear old woman, / the Bojares grab the gate. // Daughter, you my love, / don't worry, I do not let you go. // Dear mother, / the Bojares grasp my daughter. // Daughter, you my love, / now it is not in my hands anymore. //
8. Swallow, beloved swallow
Bridal song; sung at the eve-of-the-wedding-party, when the girl-friends of the bride undo the bride's plait; recorded in 1985 by O. Abramova in the village Krestovka, Zuryanovski Rayon, Ore-Altai
- Julia Perfenova: solo
Swallow, beloved swallow, winged quail, / why did you fly out so early / out of your warm nest? / Dark clouds have piled up / with rolling thunder, / with glowing lightnings, / rain will sparkle and spray your nest. / Old man gives me away by force. / Old mother is dissatisfied, / sisters and brothers are content.
9. You, my dear girl-friends
Mourn of the bride, sung at the morning of the wedding, before the departure of the church marriage ceremony; recorded in 1979 by O. Abramova in the village Vorobyevo, Shipunovski Rayon, Altaiski Kray
- Elena Sazontova, Elena Pestereva: solo
You, my lovable bride-maids, plait my dense plait, my maiden beauty.
10. There jumped a he-goat into the garden
Joke song of the village Tulata, Charyshski Rayon, Altaiski Kray
- Julia Parfenova, Valeri Parfenov: solo
There jumped a he-goat into the garden, walked over onions and garlic, one liked to be his master, bring him to the market, sell him for three Rubel
11. Fly, arrow, along the road...
Song according to the arrow-arched spring round dance; recorded in 1979 by O. Abramova in the village Vorobyevo, Shipunovski Rayon, Altaiski Kray.
- Elena Sazontova: solo
Fly, arrow, / along the road. / Kill, arrow, / the brave guy. / Alas, how will they / cry over the guy? / The mother cries, / like the river flows. / The sister cries, / like the brook runs. / The woman cries, / like the dew falls. / Alas, the sun will watch, / will dry the dew.
12. At our gateway
Cossack's dance song; recorded in 1979 by O. Abramova in the village Vorobyevo, Shipunovski Rayon, Altaiski Kray
- Elena Sazontova: solo
At our gateway / the wind blows and the rain pours.
It blows the wind and pours the rain / and lies a lake filled with water.
It lies a lake filled with water / there is a lad who waters his horse.
It waters a lad his horse, / clouding the fresh water.
He clouded the fresh water, / hindering his maid.
He hindered his maid, / telling her sugary words.
He told her sugary words: / hold my horse for me.
13. You black berry, blackcurrant
Lrical song; recorded in 1979 by O. Abramova in the village Vorobyevo, Shipunovski Rayon, Altaiski Kray
- Julia Parfenova: solo
You, black berry, blackcurrant / when did you sprout / when did you grow? / In spring I sprouted, / in summer I grew up. / At dawn I flourished, / just now I am ripe.
14. The lad was feeling sad, feeling bored
Lyrical song of "Old Believers" from Transbaikalia; recorded by N. Dorofeyer,
- Igor Sazontov: solo
The lad was feeling sad, bored, / to leave for the forest all by himself. / There leant a young maid / against a birch..
15. I sow and swing....
Recorded in 1979 by O. Abramova in the village Vorobjevo, Shipunovski Rayon, Altaiski Kray.
- Elena Sazontova: solo
- Igor Sazontov: Kugikly (reed pipe)
I sow and swing my white lin. / The white lin is flourishing. / Thin and long, stands the fibry lin. / With whom will I break the lin? / My sweetheart says: darling, with you.
16. Oh, you my dear grove
Lyrical song; recorded by W. Shchurov in the village Cheremshanka, Glubokovski Rayon, Ore-Altai
- Julia Parfenova: solo
Oh, you my dear grove, yet you are green. / In this grove the maid Maria was strolling, forgetting the time on wandering around. / From her right hand, a little ring Marya lost. / Full of grief she burnt the grove down. / Burnt you down, you, my green grove. (...) / Fly away, all you my little birds. (...)
17. Alas, early is flourishing the black alder berry* in the garden (*or: buck thorn)
Lyrical song of "Old Believers" of Transbaikalia; recorded by K. Dorofeyer
- Igor Sazontov: solo
Alas, early is flourishing the alder berry in the garden. / A pity it is to pick its blossom. / But a lad picked the blossom, spoiled the alder berry. / The lad wasn't married. / It took the lad the strength, the volition off the maid. / Just three years, he had beloved the maid.
18. Our commander is brave
Cossacks' dance song; recorded by I. Bondereva in the village Karnovo, Kransnoshchokovski Rayon
- Igor Sazontov: solo, accordion, timbrel ring
- Valeri Parfenov: spoons
1. Our commander is brave, / daring the Cossacks.
- Refrain: Black hair, black brows, / black eyes, curly head, / brave, brave, Catharina, brave is my heart. |
2. The Cossacks are daring / their horses are well kept. / Refrain |
3. They ride across the Stanitsa / and look after the maids. / Refrain |
4. Look after the maids / and make them eyes. / Refrain |
5. Riding into the Stanitsa, / the maids sigh deeply and run. / Refrain
19. There rode a Cossack far away abroad
Lyrical Cossack song; recorded by O. Abramova in the village Tulata, Charyshski Rayon, Altaiski Kray
- Igor Sazontov, Valeri Parfenov: solo
1. There rode a Cossack far away abroad on his faithful black horse. / The home country he left forever, / it wasn't meant to him to return to his paternal house. |
2. At home, his young woman is looking north, every morning and every night, waiting, / for when her beloved Cossack hurries to her from abroad.
20. The jail
Lyrical Cossack song; recorded in 1979 by O. Abramova in the village of Vorobyevo, Shipunovski Rayon, Altaiski Kray
- Julia Parfenova: solo
Oh, you jail / jail from white stone. In the stony jail / there sit fourtytwo prisoners. Cheerful they are sitting there. / Just one of them pondering over something.
21. Alas, that was at home, at the river Don
Cossack dance song; recorded in 1979 by O. Abramova in the village Vorobyevo, Shipunovski Rayon, Altaiski Kray
- Igor Sazantov: solo, bell tree, Gudok (fiddle)
Alas, that was at home, at the Don, / the jackdaws, flying together. / I got hold of a jackdaw, at the wing, / at one of its feathers. / I started asking the jackdaw: / Where did you, jackdaw, fly? / What did you, jackdaw, see? / Alas, there walks a Cossack over the mountain he carries a fiddle in his hand.
22. That is the last day of my glory, friends
Lyrical song from the Cossacks, leaving for the duty, sung at their farewell; recorded in 1982 by O. Abramova in the village Tulata, Charyshski Rayon
- Igor Sazontov, Elena Sazontova: solo |
1. That is the last day of my liberty, friends / I see the mountains, the paternal sky. / A boy, I leave my little home / soon it will be covered with grass. |
2. Grass will have grown over the little home / and flowers, soon it will blossom all over. |
3. Will flourish with flowers. The dog / my faithful dog, my brothers, / is barking all night long beside the gateway. |
4. Barking the whole night beside the gateway. On the roof / there caws a raven. / Let your voice echo through the wood. |
5. Let your voice echo through the wood / make sure to do it at that side, my brothers, / where a boy was born.
23. Let us remember, friends
Historical song about the campaign of the Cuban-Cossacks for Poland; recorded in 1980, by O. Abramova in the village Dmitro-Titovo, Kytmanovski Rayon
- Valeri Parfenov: solo |
1. Let us remember, brothers, let us remember, Cuban-Cossacks / the 21st September and / how we fought against the Polish from sunrise to night. |
2. The music played with us, powerful they beat the drums. |
3. Oh, the signal trompeters played for us, / the battle became a brawl. / The commander wasn't coward, always walking in front of us. |
4. He received a big wound in his chest from the Polish. |
5. Oh, you brothers, you Cuban-Cossacks, don't let me down. |
6. Shall I survive, I won't forget, how you saved me.
24. Once upon a time
Lyrical Cossack song; recorded in 1980 by O. Abramova in the village Pervokamenka, Tretyakovski Rayon
- Elena Sazontova: solo
Once upon a time there were two /god-mothers? grand-aunties, they were very beautful.
One day they decided to search for two lads.
They began to long for a good one.
One like Vasya, we were told, but that one wasn't anywhere to find.
But in the evening, Vasya comes down the lane.
And plays himself the accordion.
And plays the guitar.
And startes to charm the beautiful maids.
Oh, you maids, you don't do that.
You don't love anyone.
25. It let it crash and let it jingle-jangle...
Cossack dance song; recorded in 1980 by O. Abramova in the village Pervokamenka, Tretyakovski Rayon
- Igor Sazontov: solo, accordion, timbrel ring
- Valeri Parfenov: spoons, drum
It let it crash and let it jingle, I smash the glass. / Into a glass I pour sweet vodka.
- Refrain: Don't you see, / dont' you hear, / don't you see the vodka glass on the table?
He put a black hat on his head / and smoothes his moustache out / he pulls the watch out of his pocket and looks at it. - Refrain
Give me a carriage and a brown-eyed horse, / I get on it and go to meet my loves. - Refrain
We drive across the Altai with fast horses, / and the wedding will be celebrated in the blue mountains. - Refrain
- 26. On the sea
Lyrical Cossack song; recorded by V. Shchurov in the village Cheremshanka, Glubokovski Rayon, Ore-Altai
- Julia Parfenova: solo
Across the sea, the blue sea, there sailed thirty vessels of the Don- and the Transural-Cossacks. Defend yourself, children, don't give up, don't save your white hands. The persecutors hurry after you, but their army isn't big.
27. The Stanitsa woke up
Lyrical Cossack song; recorded in 1982 by O. Abramova in the village Tulata, Charyshski Rayon
- Igor Sazontov: solo
The Stanitsa has woke up, woke up at dawn. / On the square in the valley a Cossack in its uniform jacket. / He rides daringly on his runner. / He tightens the rein like a string. / The Cuban-Cossacks were riding out, in order to meet their fate. / But poor Marusya stood at the front door. / Don't cry, Marusya, said the Cossack. / Don't cry, I return to you.
28. Maschas little head began to hurt
Cossack dance song; recorded in 1985 by O. Abramova in the village Nikolskoye Syryanovski Rayon, Ore-Altai
- Igor Sazontov: solo, accordion, timbrel ring, reed pipe
- Valeri Parfenov: reed pipe
Mascha's little head began to hurt. / Why did it begin to hurt? / Mascha wanted a little herb from overseas. / I have three horses in my stable: / On the grey one I ride to the sea, / on the dark one I ride across the sea, / on the white horse I get you the little herb home. / This is how I heal Mascha's little head.