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P & C December 1998
- Face Music / Albi
- last update 03-2018
- Altyn Tan Tayas:
voice, küngür-khomys (lute), khobyrakh (flute)
- Tülber Pögechi:
voice, topchyl-khomys (lute)
- Tagir Asochak:
voice (khai in kharygha style), yykh (fiddle)
- Aycharkh Sayn:
voice (khai in küülip, kharygha and syghyrtyp styles), chatkhan (wooden box zither)
- Lunic Ivanday:
voice (khai in kharygha style), syylas (flute), küngür-khomys (lute), timir-khomys (jew‘s harp), tüür (frame drum, shaman's drum), orba (drum stick of wood and leather belonging to the tüür)
- Mirgen Irgit:
voice (khai in küülip style), khobyrakh (flute), khongyros (leather rattle), müüs (horn rattle), sang (hand bell), sangyros (rattle with metal rings), khazykhtar (sheep knucklebones), tuighakh-tar (horse hoove clapper)
- Produced by Urs-Albert "Face Music"
- Recorded & mixed by Fizzè at Studio Mensch, CH-9476 Weite SG - 2017
- Mastered by Hansjürg Meier, Tonspur AG - February 2018
- Cover front: photo by Albi – Rajon Askhis aimaghy (Saghai people) – cover back: photo of Mirgen Irgit– wedding in Borchikov, in Kirba aal, Pii aimagy, early 1980s and other photos of the Ensemble by Albi - from left to right: Altyn Tan Tayas, Tagir Asochak, Lunic Ivanday, Fizzè, Aycharkh Sayn, Mirgen Irgit and Tülber Pögechi
- Art concept & layout by Albi
Many thanks to Liesbet Nyssen and the members from the Ensemble with the texts
and Hermelinde Steiner for helping with the translation.
Many thanks for the good soul by Rolf Zimmermann for his kindly help.
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