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P & C December 1998
- Face Music / Albi
- last update 03-2016
- Ensemble Karot "Vol. I"
- Traditional songs of Armenia - FM 50033
1. Khnotsu Yerg - (work song) Shatak / Vaspurakan Province
2. Ari Ertank - Come, let's go (love song) - Sasun / Mush (Taron region)
3. Mogats Shuken - The store of Moks (humorous song) - Shatak / Moks region
4. Ororotsayin Shark - Lullaby - Goghtn / Agn / Kessab / Sasun
5. Sandi Yerg - Song of the stone-mill (work song) - Shatak
6. Tnen Ilar - You went from the house (lyric song, love song) - Shatak
7. Yis Mernim Qi - I give you my life (lyric song) - Shatak
8. Kanatchatsav - It became green (wedding song) - Shatak
9. Mer Takvorin - Our groom (wedding song) - Shatak
10. Jur Kuker - The stream is coming (dance song) - Vaspurakan
11. Gorani (emigrant's song) - Mush
12. Aghves - The fox (humorous song) - Shatak
13. Nkhshun Tel - Colorful threads (humorous song) - Taron
14. Lachini Manan - Latshin and Mana (humorous song) - Basen
15. Drdo (love song) - Sasun
16. Es Gisher - This night (ceremonial song / love song) - Shatak
17. Bari Luso - The morning light (work song) - Vaspurakan
18. Yarem Ker - There was a lover (lyric song, love song) - Vaspurakan
19. Srtiks Erku Yar - My heart wants two lovers (lyric song, love song) - Vaspurakan
20. Zinch u Zinch - What and what else? (love song) - Sasun
21. Horovel - Plowing song (work song) - Lori Region
22. Gharabaghi Horovel - Plowing song of Karabagh (work song) - Karabagh
23. Khorodig - Beautiful (love song) - Sasun
24. Im Khorodig Yar - My beautiful lover (love song) - Sasun
25. Kroonk - The crane (emigrant's song) - Pontus region
26. Nani Bala - Sweet child (lullaby) - Vaspurakan
27. Mur Tan Idev - Behind our house (ring dance) - Shatak
28. Kanche Kroonk - Call to th crane (emigrant's song) - Sasun
29. Garoon Batzver - Arrival of spring (emigrant's song) - Mush
30. Done Yar - Dear lover (dance song) - Sasun
31. Kessabi Lullaby - Kessab / Cilicia
- Aleksan Harutyunyan - voc
- Noune Atanasian - voc
- Hasmik Harutyunyan - voc
- Anoosh Harutyunyan - voc
- Lilit Harutyunyan - voc
- Ensemble Karot "Vol. II"
- Traditional songs of Armenia - FM 50034
- watch profil in YouTube
1. Jan Oy, (love song) - Vasburakan
2. Jaghatzs Patik-Patik, my flour is sifted into grains (love song) - Aparan (Aragatsotn region)
3. Yes Saren Gookayi, I came from the mountain (love song)
4. Es Aroon, this stream (lyric song)
5. Dzovun Khavkum Ker, a bird of the sea (song of the emigrants) - Vasburakan
6. Kot oo Kes, a measure and a half (humorous song) - Vasburkan
7. Loosnakn Ichav Sari Tak, the moon descended from the mountain (love song) - Aparan (Aragatsotn region)
8. Hoy Nar (dance song) - Vasburakan
9. Goleh Hoy Nar, hey, Goleh! (dance song) - Vasburakan
10. Hov Arek Sarer Jan, make me cool, dear mountains (love song)
11. Im Sokhakin, my nightingale (song of the emigrants) - Shatak
12. Garnan Gootan, the spring plow (lyric song)
13. Aravot Looso, morning light (spiritual song)
14. Anoosh Merik, sweet mother (wedding song)
15. Merik-Merik, mother-mother (wedding song) - Taron
16. Aravodun Demin, approach of morning (wedding song) - Alashkert (Taron)
17. Kaghenk Berenk, pick, bring (wedding song)
18. Takvori Mer, our King (wedding song)
19. Tikranakerti Oror, lullaby of Tikranakert - Tikranakert
20. Yerkinkn Ampel e, the sky is covered by clouds (love song)
21. Yes oo Yars, my lover and I are young (love song) - Sasun
22. Im Mourad, my Mourad (love song) - Vasburakan
23. Gootan Yerg, plough of spring (work song)
24. Msho Geghen, a village of Mush (lyric song) - Mush (Taron region)
25. Akh Ninar, an expression to the godness Nar (ceremonial song) - Sasun
26. Khooti Gorani, Gorani from Khoot (ceremonial song) - Mush (Taron region)
27. Dle Yaman, (lyric song) - Vasburakan
Aleksan Harutyunyan - voc
- Noune Atanasian - voc
- Hasmik Harutyunyan - voc
- Heriknaz Harutyunyan - voc
- Aroosiak Harutyunyan - voc
- Anoosh Harutyunyan - voc
- Lilit Harutyunyan - voc
- Aram Harutyunyan - voc
Special guests:
- Nairi Musoyan - duduk
- Norayr Kartashian - srink
- Karine Hovhannisian - kanun
- Mesrop Khalatian - dhol, davul
- Ensemble Hayrik Mouradian - Vol. I
- Traditional Children's Songs of Armenia - FM 50042
- watch profil in YouTube
1. Ayb, Ben, Gim
2. Zmpik, Zmpik, Zarina - dance song - Province of Shirak
3. Arev, Arev, Ari Doos - Van, Vaspurakan region
4. Arev, Arev, Yek, Yek
5. Tsam is Torge - dance song
6. Jakhraki Vot / Vostana Bartsrik Sarer
7. Teshik Manogh Nargizu - work song
8. Avetis - ceremonial song - Van, Vaspurakan region
9. Msho Avetis - ceremonial song - Mush, Taron region
10. En Dizan - ceremonial song
11. En Dizan - ceremonial song
12. Hanik, Nanik, Nanarik - dance song
13. Arorn oo Tatraku - ceremonial song
14. Krunkner, Barov Yekak - Sasun, Taron region
15. Poormatikinn Eker E - ceremonial song - Balu, Kharpert region
16. Hayr Mer - ceremonial song
17. Ankanim Arachi Ko - ceremonial song
18. Tsov Kentsaghuys - ceremonial song
19. Ay, Lorik
20. Hing Edz Unem Ulerov - work song
21. Hing Edz Unem Ulerov - work song
22. Garnookn oo Mayru
23. Kakavik
24. Gatsek, Tesek - ceremonial song - Mush, Taron region / Van, Vaspurakan region
25. Tesek Aghavnin - patriotic song - Van, Vaspurakan region
26. Goghtan Mankti - patriotic song - Van, Vaspurakan region
27. Shogher Djan
28. Djan Garnook - Mush Taron region
29. Tiramor Govku - ceremonial song
30. Maratouk, Astvatsatsin - ceremonial song - Sasun / Mush, Taron region
31. Antsrevn Yekav
32. Roori, Roori - lullaby - Sasun, Taron region
33. Payte Tsiook - love song
34. Aghves Parkets Jampi Takin - humorous song - Shatak, Taron region
35. Aghves - humorous song - Shatak, Taron region
36. Dan, Dan, Dan-e-Dan - dance song
37. Haburban
- Anoosh Harutyunyan, voc - Aram Harutyunyan, voc
- Aroosiak Harutyunyan, voc - Hayk Harutyunyan, voc
- Lilit Harutyunyan, voc - Mane Babayan, voc
- Mane Nikoghosyan, voc - Mavrik Mkrtchyan, voc
Special guests:
- Gevorg Dabaghyan (duduk solo) - Grigor Takushyan (duduk, dham duduk)
- Levon Tevanyan (shvi, tav shvi)
- Karine Hovhannisyan (kanun)
- Kamo Khachatryan (dhol, dap)
- Horovel - Vol. I
- Traditional Work Songs of Armenia - FM 50046
- watch profil in YouTube
1. Aparani Horovel - Horovel of Aparan - Aparan
2. Sand Kdzedzim - I strike the threshing stone - Vaspurakan
3. Na Vav Iri - Who has come? - Vaspurakan
4. Hari-hari Khnotsi - Shake, shake, butter churn
5. Vare, Vare, Lman - Plough, plough, completely
6. Gutanu hatz em berum - Bring bread to the ploughman
7. Mer Bambaku - Our cotton - Garni
8. Talini Horovel - Horovel of Talin - Alashgerd
9. Shatkhu Sarer - Mountains of Shatakh - Vaspurakan
10. Kaghhani Yerg - Weeding song - Ararat
11. Huntski Yerg - Song of harvest
12. Manir, Manir, Im Jakharak - Spin, spin, my spinning wheel
13. Hey, Kanach Sarer - Hey, green mountains
14. De Tol Ara, Gomesh Jan - Turn the stone, dear ox - Ghazakh
15. Saren Kugas - You are coming from the mountain - Vaspurakan
16. Beri Yerg - Song of the milking stable - Van1
17. Kali Yerger - Song of threshing
18. Chanaki Yerg - Song of conversation - Ararat
19. Sandi Yerg - Song of the threshing stone - Shatakh
20. Hoy Narum
goddess of water - Van
21. Ho, Ho, Yeznu Jan - Ho, ho, dear ox - Karabagh
22. Oo, Khane - Song of the threshing stone - Van
23. De Tsig Too Kashi - Draw tight, pull - Karabagh
- Hasmik Harutyunyan, voc
- Aleksan Harutyunyan, voc, dap
Special guests:
- Levon Tevanyan: shvi, tav shvi, blul
- Traditional Wedding Songs of Armenia - Vol. I - FM 50053
- watch profil in YouTube
1. Sahari
2. Hinan ekav, shaghetsek (The henna is here, knead/mix it)
3. Mek dzerkd hinaye (Color one hand with henna)
4. Harsanekan yerg hinayi (Wedding song of coloring with henna)
5. Mek dzerkd hinaye (Color one hand with henna)
6. Mi la, mayrik (Dont cry, mother)
7. Mayrik, du mi la (Dont you cry)
8. Tagavor, inch berem kyo nman (King, what can I bring, compared to you?)
9. Oy, yaman gharipo (Oy, yaman, emigrant)
10. Papik, doo halal (Grandfather, bless me)
11. Chem yertar, merik (I wont go, mother)
12. Tagvor, inch berem kyo nman (King, what can I bring, compared to you?)
13. Meshkd ilik goti (Your waist is delicate like a spindle)
14. Harsin taneloo yerg (Carrying off the bride)
15. Ha janum, elek jrag varetsek (Dear one, go and light the lantern)
16. Mer tagvorner elan saren (Our kings came from the mountain)
17. Kez tanel enk eker (We came to take you)
18. Kertam, mayrik (Ill go, mother)
19. Yerknoots getnoots (From the sky to the earth)
20. Orhneal, Barerar Astvats (Bless us, beneficent God)
21. Etchmiadzna zorootenov (With the strength of Etchmiadzin)
22. Tanel ekank (We came to take you)
23. Taran, Taran (They took her away)
24. Tagvoragovk (Praise of the Groom)
25. Gnatsek asek (Go and tell)
26. Tamzara
27. ´Barov dzer moorazin hasnek (Reach your goals with goodness)
28. Tagvori mer (Kings mother)
- Hasmik Harutyunyan, voc
- Aleksan Harutyunyan, voc, kopalov dhol (large dhol)
Special guests:
- Norayr Kartashyan: zurna, pku (shawn), dhol
