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P & C December 1998
- Face Music / Albi
- last update 03-2016
- Ensemble Khreshchaty Yar "Vol. I"
- Traditional songs of the Ukraine - FM 50031
watch profil in YouTube (Cossacks songs)
1. Oy ty, vyshen'ko - Cherkasy region
2. Da zelen yavor - Polyssia region
3. Oy letila halka - Poltava region
4. Oy na hori na vysokiy - Central Ukraine
5. Oy hylya, hylya - Central Ukraine
6. Tak vono buvaye - Central Ukraine
7. Oy khmarka nadkhodyt - Cherkasy region
8. Oy po lanu - Poltava region
9. V subotu piznenko - Kiev region
10. A shche sontse ne zakhodylo - Central Ukraine
11. Marusyu - Kiev region
12. A ya vchora v kumy - Kiev region
13. Kotylasya ta yasna zorya - Central Ukraine
14. Osin moya dovhaya - Kiev region
15. Oy ishly dva kozaky - Central Ukraine
16. Shcho zh to vono za verba - Cherkasy region
17. Oy ziydy, ziydy - Central Ukraine
18. Tuman yarom - Central Ukraine
- Anatoliy Kurylo: tenor, soloist (precentor "zaspivoovach" and high register "vyvodtshyk")
- Valentyna Bogdanova: soprano, soloist (precentor "zaspivoovach" and high register "vyvodtshyk")
- Volodymyr Biletsky: bass, soloist (precentor "zaspivoovach")
- Ivan Volynets: tenor, soloist (precentor "zaspivoovach")
- Volodymyr Budz: baritone
- Ensemble Khreshchaty Yar "Vol. II"
- Traditional songs of the Ukraine - FM 50032
watch profil in YouTube
1. Vesilnyi marsh - Bukovyna region
2. Arkhan - Carpathian
3. Staryj huzul - Carpathian
4. Chaban - Bukovyna region
5. Vesilni melodii - Carpathian
6. Hutsulski melodii - Carpathian
7. Vesilni pryspivky - Kiev region
8. Podils'ka polka - Podolia region
9. Oj ne khody da rozudr'avchy - Cherkasy region
10. Polis'ka polka - Polyssia region
11. Vinochok tantsuvalnykh melodij - Central Ukraine
12. Oj haj, haj zelenen'kyi - Central Ukraine
13. Pleskach - Central Ukraine
14. Jak sluzhyv ja v pana - Central Ukraine
15. Hrechanyky - Central Ukraine
16. Hopak - Central Ukraine
17. Da kosyv bat'ko - Poltava region
18. Ivanku, Ivanku - West Ukraine (Carpathian)
19. Kosarska - Carpathian
20. Do nei iduchy - Carpathian
21. Vid nei iduchy - Carpathian
22. Hutsulskj nahrash - Carpathian
23. Velykodna melodija - Carpathian
24. Tantsuvalna melodija - Central Ukraine
25. Lemkivski kolomyjky - Lemko region (Carpathian)
26. Vije Viter - Central Ukraine
27. Oj pozvol pan khaz'ain - Central Ukraine
28. Ishla divon'ka - Central Ukraine
29. Nebo i zemla - Central Ukraine
30. Oj na richtsi na jordani - Cherkasy region
- Volodymyr Budz (leader): voice, bandura (Ukrainian lute-zither / psaltery), accordion, sopilka (Ukrainian duct flute, 30-40 cm long, with 6 fingerholes), tylynka (large endblown flute without fingerholes made of a 60-80 cm long metal tube), frilka (small duct flute with 6 fingerholes made of a 20-50 cm long metal tube), sosulya (vessel flute, uses to imitate bird calls such as that of the cuckoo)
- Volodymyr Biletsky: voice, soloist, bukhalo (drum), buben (tamburine)
- Valentyna Bogdanova: voice, soloist
- Ivan Volynets: voice, soloist
- Valery Golub: voice, folk fiddle
- Vasil Palanjuk: voice, tsymbaly = cymbal (dulcimer), sopilka (Ukrainian duct flute), dvodenzivka (double duct flute), rebro (panpipe), sosulya (vessel flute or cuckoo), drymba (jew's harp)
- Anatoliy Kurylo: voice, bukhalo (drum), hupalo ("hooter")
- Yuri Berbenyuk: voice, double bass
- Ivan Tkalenko: bandura
